How Addiction Affects Women Differently Than Men

Drug and alcohol abuse is more common among men than women, but many women still struggle with addiction. There are many differences between how men and women experience addiction, most likely because of physical, emotional, and social differences.   Physical Differences On average, women are physically smaller than men, so drug or alcohol use can […]

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Going Back To Work After Attending Drug Treatment

Being productive and regaining self-esteem after drug treatment may help prevent a relapse, however, many men and women feel trepidation about going back. How you feel about going back to work often depends on whether your employer knew about your drug treatment. Most people tell their co-workers that they are taking a leave of absence

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Why Naltrexone May Not Be The Best Solution for You

What Is Naltrexone? Known in the U.S. by the brand names Vivitrol and Revia, naltrexone is used in the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse. Naltrexone comes in either tablet form (Revia) or an intramuscular injection (Vivitrol). It works by blocking the “high” effect of alcohol and narcotics; since the person with the dependency can’t

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Why People Who Use Drugs Can\’t Just Stop Using On Their Own

Friends and family members of drug addicts often struggle to understand what it means to be addicted. A common misconception is that addicts have a choice and that they do not quit using simply because they enjoy doing drugs. Addicts are often accused of being selfish or are characterized as weak-willed. People that have never

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Why Does a Person Need So Much Counseling During Rehab?

Counseling Helps Recovering Addicts Get In Touch With Their Feelings If your adult child is living in a residential rehabilitation facility, then she will spend the majority of her time in counseling. There are great reasons for professional counseling to overcome addictions to drugs or alcohol. Many addicts are not in touch with their feelings,

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Should a Recovering Addict Take Pain Medication After Surgery?

Addiction recovery is generally a life long process. As such, very few addicts will call themselves \”recovered\” addicts, but rather \”recovering\” addicts – no matter how long they have been clean. Addiction recovery is often very different for different addicts as well, since the level of a person\’s addiction and the long-term effects of the

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Common Symptoms of Addiction That Parents are Likely to Ignore

Teens are very vulnerable to peer pressure. Your teen probably would like to be accepted by their peers. Consequently, they fall in with the wrong crowd and abuse drugs. Teens are young and have not matured enough to realize that their actions have long ranging consequences. Therefore, it is vital that the parent talk to

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