
How Much Do Drug Rehab Facilities Cost And Why That Seems Expensive (But Really Isn\’t)

So, you\’ve decided you think you might have a drug or alcohol problem and you heard treatment may be a good idea. However, you researched some price estimates for a quality treatment center and thought, \”that\’s an awful lot of money\”. The prices for treatment centers vary according to length of stay, type of treatment,

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What You Will Learn At A Recovery Center That Will Help You Stay Sober

A recovery center will help you beat the addiction that brought you there in the first place. But, they don\’t leave it at that and let you walk away to face the future alone. They will teach a few lessons to help you initially kick your addiction and to help you stay sober for the

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When Outpatient Drug Treatment Is The Best Option For You

Admitting to yourself that you have a serious drug addiction is a daunting experience- and one that can leave a person feeling scared and hopeless. At the same time, however, it is an eye-opening and freeing realization that can help you to take a positive step forward and admit that you need help. Once you

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Why Alcohol Treatment Isn\’t Just the Same as Going to AA

There is an old saying, murmured in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, which says, \”Meeting makers make it\”. Sure, attending AA meetings is a great tool to help an alcoholic strive towards lifelong sobriety. However, it is just that, a tool. It is only one aspect of a program to stay sober. While making meetings

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When You Call A Treatment Center, Listen Carefully For These Things Before Making A Decision

Once you have made the decision to seek addiction treatment you may feel like you should just jump in to the first facility that you find. You can and should take the time to find the right rehab center for you. Your research can start at the moment you pick up that phone. The way

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How An IOP Program Can Prove Invaluable to Your Long Term Recovery

Recovery is not just 28 days or 90 days.  Recovery is a lifestyle that is relevant to the rest of your life. While that may seem like a prison in early recovery, long term recovery will prove the gift that recovery is. The most challenging part of recovery is maintaining it for the long-term. Recovery

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How Rehab Centers Work With Insurance

Health insurance is the most dreaded topic when it comes to funding addiction treatment. Unfortunately, the average person needs to utilize it to fund their addiction treatment. Many rehab centers verify health insurance before a client enters treatment to determine how much the health insurance will cover. Health insurance typically covers the following types of

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