
Can We Force Our Son or Daughter To Go To Rehab?

Watching your children suffer from an addiction to devastating. You likely yearn for the happy family you once had, and, more importantly, you want to see your children experience health and joy. Understanding whether or not you can force them to enroll in a rehab program allows you to see your options. Upon recognizing that […]

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How Many Hours Per Day Am I Required To Go For an Outpatient Drug Treatment Program?

Finding the resolve to get clean can be a scary thing. This feeling can be made even more difficult to find when you start to think about all of the work ahead of you and what you will have to do when first entering sobriety. However, it is very natural to think about this and

How Many Hours Per Day Am I Required To Go For an Outpatient Drug Treatment Program? Read More »

When Your Son Fails At Another Treatment Center in Florida, What Do You Do?

After dealing with your son\’s addiction, convincing him to go to rehab in Florida and checking him in, he decided to leave or he got kicked out. Right now it might feel hopeless, but it does not have to be. There is always hope, and recovery from addiction often takes more than one try. It

When Your Son Fails At Another Treatment Center in Florida, What Do You Do? Read More »

Affordable Addiction Counseling in Boynton Beach

The Importance of Forgiving Your Addicted Son For Stealing From You

Forgiving an addict is an emotionally difficult experience. Typically the addict has done something that betrayed your trust, such as stealing from you. When the addict is your close family, it can make this process even more difficult as you can\’t just forgive them and push them out of your life. Your son is family

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Why Does a Person Need So Much Counseling During Rehab?

Counseling Helps Recovering Addicts Get In Touch With Their Feelings If your adult child is living in a residential rehabilitation facility, then she will spend the majority of her time in counseling. There are great reasons for professional counseling to overcome addictions to drugs or alcohol. Many addicts are not in touch with their feelings,

Why Does a Person Need So Much Counseling During Rehab? Read More »

Common Symptoms of Addiction That Parents are Likely to Ignore

Teens are very vulnerable to peer pressure. Your teen probably would like to be accepted by their peers. Consequently, they fall in with the wrong crowd and abuse drugs. Teens are young and have not matured enough to realize that their actions have long ranging consequences. Therefore, it is vital that the parent talk to

Common Symptoms of Addiction That Parents are Likely to Ignore Read More »

The 3 Questions Every Mother of a Drug Addict Should Be Asking About Addiction Treatment Centers in Florida

As a mother, it can be devastating to learn about your adult child\’s struggles with addiction. It can be hard to know where to look for help or how to judge whether Florida treatment centers have the expertise and skills necessary to effectively treat your child\’s disease. You may be unsure of which questions to

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