Opioid addiction is a condition that is chronic. Addiction can cause some alterations in your brain, and they will last long. Fortunately, if the condition is treated early, it will be possible to avoid some of the health conditions that come about in the long run.
It takes a lot of willpower to break free of the prescribed drugs. The recovery process might take long; however, the chances of success are high when counseling and medication are administered. Heroin is termed an opioid, and if you’re addicted, the condition will be treated similarly to drug addiction.
Detox and Physical Dependence
Opioid addiction will lead to some changes in different parts of your brain. The prescribed drugs will alter the brain’s circuits responsible for reward behavior and handling the mood.
Additionally, when you take prescribed drugs for long, the drug abuse will take a toll on different systems in the body. When you stop taking the prescribed medications, some of the withdrawal symptoms that you’ll experience include:
- Diarrhea
- Craving for drugs
- Yawning
- Large pupils
- Goosebumps and chills
- Belly pain
- Vomiting and nausea
- Bad moods and agitation
- Body aches
Those who currently have an opioid addiction should understand the symptoms don’t illustrate the agony you’ll undergo. The withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant, and you should ensure that you’ve avoided the drug addiction by all means.
The withdrawal effect will last for a few hours or even weeks in some cases. It is all dependent on the drugs that you have been taking and the quantity. When the symptoms fade away, you’ll experience some mental and physical discomfort for a few weeks.
Which Medication Should Be Used to Treat Opioid Addiction?
Methadone- when the medication is administered accordingly, it is possible to overcome the opioid addiction at ease. You also need to undergo counseling in a clinic setting. The drug will help to relieve the withdrawal symptoms, and the cravings will be addressed.
Buprenorphine- the medication will help to relieve the opioid cravings, and you won’t experience any high. The medicine is prescribed by the medics who are in an office setting. You’ll be required to place the dose under the tongue. It can also be delivered through injection via your mouth once a month. The doctors can also use thin tubes placed beneath the skin, which usually last for six months.
The medicine administered will activate the opioid receptors present in the body, and the cravings will be suppressed. The medication is effective, and you won’t experience any side effects. Nevertheless, there are some patients who’ll experience a relapse. The doctors will try out something different for such patients to ensure the patients won’t relapse several times. Some patients are highly motivated, and they have a favorable social support system. Such patients usually have a better tendency with some of these therapies.
Naltrexone- this is a different type of medication, and it won’t turn on the opioid receptors. Instead, it usually blocks the sedative effect that comes about because of the opioids. The patient’s system is supposed to be utterly free from opioids before the Naltrexone is administered. The medication can be administered in the form of an injection once monthly or orally.
For emergencies, the doctor can administer Naloxone. When a patient has overdosed on opioids, they will experience an opioid arrest. Naloxone will flush out the receptors, and the overdose will be reversed; however, the medication is not used to treat the addiction.
Counseling for People with Opioid Addiction
When you opt for therapy, there is a high likelihood that you’ll manage to beat the opioid addiction. You should ensure you’ve sought counseling from a health professional who is qualified. When dealing with such a professional, you’ll get the assistance you need with regard to your social or personal issues, which may be prompting the addiction. The professional will focus on issues such as:
- Problems at home or work
- Your self-worth feelings
- The people who usually use drugs around you
The treatment programs involve the following;
- Motivational interviewing- the interview will help to identify why you need to rectify your behavior
- Contingency management- rewards will be used to ensure that you have met your goals while also taking the medication accordingly
Are you suffering from opioid addiction, and you’re ready to get started? Call us today at 833-846-5669 through (phone number). We’ll ensure you get the assistance that you need.