Is Your Spouse Hiding A Painkiller Addiction?

Addiction is a disease. However, the problem possesses the capacity to cause a significant degree of harm to the dependent and their loved ones. Additionally, the issue is associated with a great deal of societal and social stigma. Therefore, addicts are often ashamed to admit they have a problem and travel to great lengths to hide this malady.

Furthermore, this problem often occurs in conjunction with painkiller dependencies.

Painkiller Overview

Typically, prescription painkillers are substances known as opiates. These chemicals, which include drugs like codeine, morphine, oxycodone, and tramadol work by attaching to nerve cells in the brain controlling pain and block the ability of said neurological components to transmit messages instructing the body to feel pain.

In recognition of this fact, these substances are particularly effective in alleviating moderate to serious discomfort in people stricken with any number of physical injuries or diseases.

However, the relief they provide also renders said chemicals quite addictive and many people have fallen victim to such outcomes.

Symptoms Of A Painkiller Addiction

Persons in the throes of a painkiller dependency might display various physical manifestations including:

  • Tiredness
  • Skin conditions
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Disrupted sleep cycle
  • Eye and vision concerns
  • Digestive problems
  • Breathing difficulties

Moderate to severe or longstanding painkiller dependencies may also precipitate cognitive function struggles such as memory loss, concentration problems, confusion, and challenges rendering logical and thoughtful decisions.

Above all, those abusing painkilling drugs gradually need to ingest more prodigious quantities of a given drug to produce the desired benefits. This increased intake heightens the dependent\’s risk of overdosing, which could prove fatal or cause permanent complications.

Other Notable Signs Of Addiction

Those with painkiller addictions might also display detrimental behaviors like stealing, lying, isolating themselves from family and friends, experiencing difficulties at work or school, withdrawing from activities or people they used to enjoy, experiencing a fluctuation in energy levels, and acting impulsively.

The spouses of potential addicts are also encouraged to look out for empty pill bottles. In certain cases, current addicts were initially prescribed painkilling substances to address legitimate medical issues. However, if the seemingly rightful user downs the drugs with alarming quickness, they might be dependent upon said chemicals.

Actions Sober Spouse Can Take

If one suspects that their spouse is afflicted with a painkiller addiction, they are firmly urged to take actions including:

Quit Denying A Problem Exists

If the sober spouse\’s instincts tell them that their significant other is an addict, they are likely correct. Therefore, they should not try and deny that the problem exists but attempt to tackle it head on.

Stop Enabling The Dependent\’s Actions

Though it may be difficult, the sober spouse must not enable their addict\’s behavior in any way. This means refusing to provide any type of legal, personal, professional, or financial support allowing the dependency to continue.

Bring The Problem To The Forefront

An addict\’s partner is strongly encouraged to confront them. Without being overly combative and accusatory, they should inform their loved one that they firmly believe that a problem exists, disclose how said behavior is adversely impacting them and their family, and explain potential resulting consequences should the problem fail to be addressed.

Put Everything On The Table

If confronting the dependent about the problem does not yield favorable outcomes, the spouse, their children, other close relatives, and any other close personal associations might choose to stage interventions where the addict must either accept help or face serious and immediate consequences.

Take Care Of Their Own Health

Spouses of addicts must ensure that they protect their own health. When dealing with a loved one\’s illness, it is easy to neglect one\’s own well-being. However, doing so is likely to cause the problem to worsen.

Therefore, the sober partner should consume a healthy diet, obtain adequate sleep, exercise, practice relaxation techniques, engage in productive stress-relieving activities, and look out for the welfare of children or other relatives impacted by the user\’s dependency.

Stay Supportive During Treatment

If the user opts to seek treatment, the sober spouse is urged to remain as supportive as possible. Addicts are more likely to complete a treatment program and remain sober long after if they return home to a comfortable and encouraging environment.

Contacting Us

Those who believe their spouse might possess an addiction to painkillers or any other substance are implored to contact us at 833-846-5669.

Our team of treatment specialists can provide guidance about how to encourage said subjects to seek help. Moreover, should they decide to obtain assistance, our facility boasts an impressive track record of helping people from different backgrounds overcome such struggles.

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