How do I stay focused on my recovery?

After becoming sober and no longer using drugs or alcohol, it can feel like an accomplishment to recover from an addiction. The recovery process is a journey that requires time and baby steps to continue moving forward. For many people, it can be easy to lose focus and relapse.

A lot of preparation is required when you leave a treatment center and obtain sobriety. Having realistic expectations is also necessary to avoid surprises when triggers still exist. Here are a few of the main ways you can stay focused on your recovery and reduce the risk of relapsing.

Create a Plan

Start by laying out your life and having a plan of action in place to ensure you can keep your focus and understand why you want to remain sober. Know your goals in advance and write them down to remind yourself of why you continue to put effort into your recovery process.

It\’s also necessary to have a plan in place with how you\’ll plan to spend your free to avoid returning to drugs or alcohol when you\’re bored. Consider finding activities and hobbies that you enjoy to ensure you get more out of life and aren\’t tempted to return to an addiction.

Know Your Triggers

Knowing your triggers in advance can reduce the risk of relapsing. There are many types of triggers, which vary and depend on each person. You may feel triggered to use drugs or alcohol when you become stressed or overwhelmed in life. Some people are triggered when they spend time in old settings where they used to use drugs or alcohol.

Other types of triggers include spending time with certain people or negative emotions. Holidays or times of celebration can also make it easy to want to use substances. Prepare in advance for the triggers to ensure you can avoid them. This may require having someone with you who can help keep you accountable when you spend time in settings that may be triggering. You may also need to find other beverages or desserts you enjoy during times of celebration.

Stay Connected to Your Support Systems

Staying connected to your support systems is one of the best ways to have accountability and remember why you chose to recover from an addiction. Make it a point to regularly meet with the people in your life who help you remain focused and positive. This may also require scheduling to meet with your sponsor every week or two weeks. Many people regularly meet with a therapist to process their emotions and get to the root cause of their addictions.

This can make it easy to take time to process and reflect while also obtaining guidance from a professional. You can also continue to attend meetings that allow you to spend time with other sober individuals who are also in the recovery process. Hearing from other individuals who have had similar experiences can allow you to feel more understood and less alone in your journey.

Focus on Each Day

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the thought of staying clean the rest of your life. You may not feel like you\’re capable of remaining sober and avoiding relapsing. Instead, get into the habit of focusing on one day at a time.

You\’re not capable of tackling the future but can only focus on the present. Understand the accomplishment that comes with waking up sober and resisting temptations during the day instead of wondering how you\’ll be able to get through the rest of the year without relapsing.

Celebrate Your Milestones

Celebrating your milestones is necessary to ensure you feel accomplished and can track your progress while in recovery. Whether it\’s been two weeks of sobriety or two years, continue to celebrate your new lifestyle and recognize your efforts and strengths. This can allow you to feel rewarded. Find ways of celebrating the milestones, which can include scheduling a trip to an exciting destination or throwing a party. Once you feel rewarded, it can help you remain motivated to continue your progress in the future. If you\’re ready to start the recovery process, contact us at 833-846-5669 today.

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