For many people that wish to seek treatment for substance use disorders, taking time off of work is not an option. Thankfully, it is still possible to find affordable treatment without having to miss work. While many rehab treatments are 30 days or longer, there are a variety of other programs that any employee can fit into their daily schedule. If you hope to keep your job and seek treatment at the same time, there are many programs and services available to you. While some work in conjunction with your employer, others will allow you to seek treatment in off-work hours.
Affordable Alcohol Treatment Options for Employees
Though most people imagine they will need to spend several weeks at a time at a treatment facility to overcome their substance use disorder, this doesn\’t have to be the case. If you’re unable to take time off work, consider the following options for treatment:
- Employee Assistance Programs The first step in seeking treatment as an employee is to research if your company supports employee assistance programs or EAPs. These EAPs provide individuals with services for mental health and substance abuse-related issues. Employees can access these services on-site, over the phone, or in person.
- Outpatient Treatment Programs In addition to EAPs, employees have the option of seeking treatment from rehab facilities that let their clients continue to work. While many inpatient treatment programs require that clients stay on the premises, employees can find a treatment facility that will allow them to keep going to work every day while they receive treatment through outpatient programs. If you can’t take time off of work and your employer doesn\’t sponsor EAPs, outpatient treatment programs are the best solution for your recovery. These outpatient treatment programs offer employees the chance to receive inexpensive treatment in a sober housing environment or at home while being able to maintain their typical responsibilities.
- Professionals Treatment Programs Continuing to work while pursuing sobriety is not an easy task. Professionals treatment programs take the factor of high-stress careers into consideration as they are designed for professionals that have incredibly demanding jobs. These programs offer treatment through support groups that address specific work-related challenges that contribute to substance use disorders. Treatment facilities that offer these types of professionals programs work alongside employees to create a plan that will suit their physical and mental needs while allowing them to meet their job-related obligations.
Treatment is an option for anyone, regardless of their ability to take time off of work. Contact us today at 833-846-5669 with any other questions regarding these types of programs.