Addiction Treatment is Too Expensive. We Don\’t Make That Kind of Money. Where Can We Find Help For Normal People?

You are struggling in the battle against your addiction. It has been a long and lonely road that you have been traveling. Your friends and your family have sat down with you and told you that you have a problem. They have tried to help you, but you\’ve pushed them away. You know that they are right, but you feel so long. They don\’t understand what it is like to be fighting the source of your addiction. You don\’t want to do this alone anymore, but you don\’t have money for addiction treatment. You don\’t know how you can go to a rehab facility if you can\’t afford it. You see advertisements for facilities on television and you even reached out for help, but they were beyond your means. You\’re wondering if there is anything out there for normal people like you who don\’t have much extra to spend, but want a chance to begin a new life that is not weighed down by addiction.


Help for Addiction is Waiting for You

Don\’t stop looking for answers now when you are ready to begin your recovery. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, there are many facilities that are working with insurance companies to make addiction treatment affordable for more individuals. The first step for you is to:

  • Talk to your doctor about possible treatment options
  • Contact your health insurance representatives to talk about your coverage for addiction treatment
  • Find out what programs are in your insurance network and what you will need to cover if a program is out of your network

Even if you discover that you will have more expenses than you anticipated, there are many ways that you can make recovery less of a burden on your bank account. You can find out about payment plans or take out a loan to help you at this crucial time in your life. Remember that your health and recovery are priceless. Contact us at 833-846-5669 and let us help you to understand your payment options for our facility. Find out how your health insurance can make it possible for you to get the services you need in order to leave substance abuse behind as you open the door to a life filled with hope.

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