The Road to Recovery: What Happens If I Relapse?

Garnering the power to tackle your addiction issues, regardless of what happened in the past, takes immense strength and the ability to see the positives of everyday life. Many readers, perhaps even yourself, have found the road to sobriety paved in jarring bumps, hiccups and moments where our temptations get the best of us. The first step in reestablishing your recovery is by letting go of the relapse that occurred and focusing immediately on your short-term goals and desires.

Can you make a change in the next hour, day or week? These short-term goals allow you to take your mind off of the big picture and relieve some of the daunting stress. For the readers that may be wondering if rehab changes after you\’ve relapsed, this is for you.

Understanding the Relapse Process

By definition, relapse is defined as becoming sober for a period of time and falling back into your old ways. Although this may seem like a rarity reserved for those that are weak-willed, statistics now show that upwards of 85% of individuals that seek treatment relapse at some point.

Although treatment options are still on the table for individuals that have found themselves in the depths of relapse, some small changes may occur in their treatment. For instance, the first adjustment a counselor or healthcare professional might make is targeting the scenario that caused the relapse to occur. When these underlying triggers are illuminated and understood, staff members can tweak and tailor a treatment plan that is unique to you and your lifestyle. For some, relapse occurs in moments of depression or on a holiday, while others may find their cravings begin to surge in a house-party setting or nightlife environment.

For those that have relapsed and may find themselves at wit\’s end, try one more time. Let this be the last time that you turn to a substance to numb the pain and blur your feelings. You know that you can do this, so what would it hurt to try again? The people around you, both friends and family, would love to see the face of a sober person each day they wake up. Why can\’t you be the individual that drastically turns their life around and becomes who they always knew they could be? Reach out today and become one of the patients that see their dreams manifest into reality. Call a counselor today at 833-846-5669.

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