How To Pack and Prepare for Your Stay in a Florida Rehab Center

\"\"Once you decide to seek treatment at a Florida drug rehab center, you need to take steps to ensure that you get the most out of it. Here are a few things to remember as you pack and prepare for your stay.


Getting Your Affairs in Order

Most people won\’t want to own up to having to stay at a drug rehab center, but you will need to tell people why you will be gone for so long. Most people stay in drug rehab centers for 28 to 90 days, which is significantly longer than your average vacation. A good employer who wants to keep you around will understand that you are trying to recover from a serious illness, and they need to allow you up to 12 weeks of medical leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

If you are in school, consider taking a semester off so you can focus on your recovery. It might take longer for you to finish your education, but you will return to your studies with a clean mind and body. Just like your employer, your school and your teachers will understand why you are taking time off.

Finally, make arrangements to tie up any financial loose ends. If you have bills that won\’t wait until you get back, arrange to have them paid through autopay. If you have a spouse, ask if they can pick up the slack financially if it isn\’t too much of a burden. Make these arrangements are early as possible since these responsibilities won\’t stop while you\’re in treatment.


Packing for Your Stay

Once you\’ve made all the proper arrangements, your next step will be to pack for your stay. This should include all of your medical records, a list of current medications, and contact information for your primary doctor. You should also pack enough weather-appropriate clothing to last between washes during your stay, photo identification, and non-aerosol and non-alcohol based toiletries. You will be allowed certain amenities depending on where you stay, so ask to see what you are and are not allowed to bring.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, there are several Florida rehab centers that can help. Overcoming an addiction is one of the hardest things that anybody can do, but it is possible to reclaim your life.

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