Is Delray Beach Recovery Possible for Anyone of Any Age?

There are a few factors that can influence how vulnerable a person can be to drug or alcohol addiction. These include familial bonds, the environment they live in, education levels, and even their personality. Another factor is age. How old an individual is can determine how susceptible they are to addiction. Drug addiction usually starts at a young age. Adolescents and young adults are typically seen with higher addiction rates to illicit substances. Older adults and the elderly are more likely you become addicted to prescription drugs. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. Any age group can become addicted to any substance at any time.

Luckily, recovery centers are always available for addicts who are ready to dive into a life of sobriety. You may be wondering if Delray Beach recovery programs are possible for anyone of any age. The answer is yes! Let’s read on to find out more.

Recovery Programs for Minors

If you are a parent of an addict who also happens to be a minor, you’re probably desperate to find help. Don’t worry- there are plenty of Delray rehab centers that can take in your child and help them get clean and sober. It’s important to find a center that caters to a younger demographic, as this can greatly help their chances of success. Take your time and check out multiple rehab centers in Delray to find one that understands how to effectively treat minors.

Getting your minor to attend rehab may be quite difficult once you find a center that you feel will work for him or her. He or she may not be willing to attend a program yet, even when they are at rock bottom in their addiction. Don’t give up. Talk to a representative of the company to see if you can schedule an intervention for your child. They can also give you information on how to get your child to accept that they do need rehab.

Recovery Programs for Adults

If you are an adult considering rehab, be proud of yourself. Recovery can happen at any age, no matter how long you have been using or how addicted you are. Don’t ever think that you are too old for rehab. With the right program, you will get the help that you need to get off of the drugs or alcohol you have been using. Again, talk to a number of representatives before choosing a center. Look for one that specializes in adult recovery. Being around addicts of your own age will help you in your journey to recovery.

What to Expect

If you are headed to rehab, no matter what your age, you’ll want to know what to expect before you get there. Let’s look at a typical rehab stay for any age group.

Medically-Monitored Detox

The first step to any program is detox. It’s okay to enter into a program when you still have drugs in your system. The doctors and staff will help you safely detox from whatever you have been taking. Make sure to be 100% honest about what you have been taking, how much you take, and for how long. If you are dealing with difficult withdrawal symptoms, then the medical staff may prescribe you medication to ease the symptoms.

Therapy Sessions

A lot of your time in rehab, no matter your age, will be spent in therapy. This will include private therapy sessions with a counselor to talk about your specific triggers and issues. If you have a dual diagnosis, your counselor will provide time to talk about it. During rehab, you will also have to attend group therapy with a small group of residents. This often occurs every day of your program. Once you have been there for a few weeks, you may also be permitted to see your family through family therapy sessions.

Aftercare Services

Rehab does not end just because you leave the building. Your counselors will talk to you about what will happen after you leave the center. This may include additional therapy sessions and a stay in a sober living home. Your counselor will also help you find local AA or NA meetings that will be helpful for your recovery. Again, you may be given information on places that cater to your age group.

Ready to quit? Give us a call today!

When you decide that you want to get clean, we are here to make that hope a reality. Give us a call today at 833-846-5669 to find out what we can offer!

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