Interventions and drug or alcohol treatment seem to go hand in hand—for many people, this is a necessary first step in the recovery process. But is it really an essential part of getting your loved one into treatment? The answer is a definitive, \”It depends.\”
In some cases, an intervention can be a crucial tool for helping a friend or family member begin treatment successfully. This is especially true if you feel that your loved one is dealing with a substance abuse problem that is far beyond what you\’re equipped to deal with. Bringing in a professional for an intervention can help alleviate some fears about doing or saying the wrong thing that often crop up when trying to help someone struggling with addiction. It can provide a tested framework and some structure to a life event that can often feel chaotic and ever-changing.
Additionally, an intervention can provide your loved one with some perspective about their condition. Addiction is a disease that envelops a person in their own suffering—to the point they\’re often unable to see the hurt they\’re causing those around them. Staging an intervention to explain the pain you\’ve experienced can serve as a wake-up call for substance abusers that it\’s time to make a change for the better.
When to Avoid an Intervention
However, staging an intervention is not the right option in all cases of addiction. Certain factors can negate the value of the process, or in some cases, make things worse. These factors include:
- Severe mental illness
- Dysfunctional relationships
- Other available options
If your loved one is dealing with underlying mental illness as well as addiction, an intervention may not be the best way to initiate treatment. These issues can make it difficult to appeal to your loved one on an emotional or logical level. Additionally, if your relationship with the person is excessively strained or dysfunctional, you may run into similar problems.
Finally, an intervention may not be right for you if you haven\’t explored any alternatives. In some cases, less intense methods of reaching out to a loved one can accomplish the same goal as an intervention without the emotional toll it can take on all parties involved.
Whether or not an intervention is right for your loved one, treatment is available, and recovery is possible. We can help—call now at 833-846-5669