Why Is A 90-Day Drug Rehab Treatment Much Better Than A 30-Day One?

The decision to enter drug treatment is a momentous choice. This crucial step demonstrates that a substance dependent recognizes they possess a serious illness and understand drastic action is needed for them to regain their health and sobriety.

That said, the next important step in this process is choosing the most befitting treatment plan. One variable prospective recipients must consider is the length of time a given program lasts.

Typical Program Lengths

In most instances, addiction treatment centers offer rehab programs lasting roughly one month, 60 days, or 90 days. Representatives of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which is sometimes abbreviated as NIDA, maintain that 90-day offerings have quickly morphed into the typical industry standard.

Benefits Of 90-Day Treatment Programs

NIDA and other proponents of 90-day inpatient addiction recovery programs opine offerings occurring over such time frames are needed because said efforts help recovering dependents:

Master Recovery Skills

In a solid percentage of cases, a significant amount of time is necessary to help healing souls relearn the skills pertinent to achieving success in the outside world. Such attributes include:

  • Managing personal relationships
  • Developing coping mechanisms
  • Mastering conflict resolution
  • Receiving instruction on discipline-garnering techniques

Moreover, 90-day programs afford former dependents additional time to learn job skills and other important training.

Place Greater Emphasis On Recovery

Patients entering programs of shorter duration often spend a significant percentage of their program\’s initial stages undergoing detox and addressing the physical aspects of recovery.

That said, full and effective recovery also often hinges on a patient\’s capacity to focus on the emotional and mental components of healing. Such instruction is typically informed and intense and simply cannot be appropriately accomplished in a week or two.

Avoid Potential Relapse-Inducing Pitfalls

Granted, sober subjects will be required to return home and face the world and possible ills eventually. However, such actions should not occur until the individual in question is absolutely ready to handle these issues.

Therefore, 90-days is often considered an adequate period of time to provide improving persons a safe harbor away from possible problematic concerns, such as individuals of bad influence, toxic living or work environments, and a host of other stressors. Intense emotional and mental therapy render treatment recipients better equipped to cope with such pitfalls in productive and positive ways.

Shake Off Addiction

Many drug treatment specialists maintain overcoming physical addiction post-detox is far simpler than shaking off associated mental cravings. Though mental cravings are likely to always exist, individuals who have received intense mental and emotional counseling are better apt to conquer these feelings and avoid possible relapse.

Lessen Relapse Possibility

Researchers have found that less than 20 percent of all patients enrolling in 90-day treatment programs relapsed within a year of completing their program. These figures stand in stark contrast to the 35 percent estimated to relapse after attending programs encompassing lesser duration.

Potential Drawbacks

Longer inpatient programs do carry certain possible drawbacks including:


Cost is arguably the biggest factor. Three months in a reputable rehab establishment could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Said fact could prove problematic for persons without adequate health insurance or large sums of disposable income.

External Obligations

Recovering addicts might not have or or leery to devote 90 days to treatment in fear of losing their jobs or missing important familial or social obligations.

Deciding If A 90-Day Program Is The Proper Choice

Opting on a specific program can be a difficult choice. Several concerns often factor into this decision such as:

  • The type of drug the patient used
  • The mode of administration
  • The severity of the addiction
  • The patient\’s general health
  • The patient\’s financial, familial, and professional circumstances

The addiction industry professionals employed by NIDA maintain that those meeting the following criteria are best suited to attend a 90-day program:

  • A history of abusing drugs via injection like heroin or cocaine
  • Individuals holding long-standing dependencies
  • Persons with a history of relapse
  • Subjects whose addictions could pose life-threatening mental or biological problems
  • Those diagnosed with other moderate to significant underlying health maladies

That said, these criteria are suggestions not mandates. One must consider that every individual case brings with it a unique person and set of circumstances.

Therefore, the decision to enter a 90-day program must not be rendered hastily and should incorporate the opinions of the recovering dependent, said subject\’s family, medical professionals and, above all, experienced, reputable addiction treatment specialists.

Reaching Out To Us

Those needing rehab are urged to contact our Palm Beach County-situated facility. Few establishments provide healing souls the tropical southern Florida setting we offer coupled with the experience, concern, skill, and compassion displayed by every member of our team.

These attributes have enabled us to build a solid reputation in the industry and boast an impressive record of helping patients get clean and, most importantly, remain sober. Call us at 833-846-5669.

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