People who struggle with addiction are a diverse group. Some people live in situations where they may need a change of pace to get sober. Others may not want to spend nights away from home. People with addictions also have varying reactions to the many different types of treatment that are available. What works for one person may not work for another. This is why addiction treatment teams develop programs that target the needs of a wide range of people. One of the clearest areas where you’ll see this is when a drug rehab offers inpatient and outpatient stays. Trying to figure out whether an outpatient drug rehab or inpatient drug rehab is better requires you to think about your personal situation. First, let’s talk about what each one of these options involves and who they are designed to help.
Inpatient drug rehab involves staying at the treatment center overnight for a period of days to months. The typical inpatient stay is around 28 days. This provides people with enough time to go through the detox process and begin establishing new lifestyle habits. However, there are some people who only stay in inpatient care for a week or two, while others may choose to stay in the facility for several months. The length of time you spend in rehab will depend upon the severity of your addiction and other factors such as what your health insurance covers. A typical inpatient day is spent mostly engaging in therapy sessions and other activities that help you learn how to stay sober. At night, you might engage in recreational activities, tend to your personal needs or attend a final group therapy session before bedtime.
Outpatient drug rehab provides many of the same essential addiction treatment services as an inpatient stay except that you’ll go home at night. This is an option that you might prefer if you live in a safe and supportive environment where you won’t find it easy to gain access to drugs or alcohol. With outpatient treatment, there are several different types. Intensive outpatient treatment involves going to the drug rehab center each day for your therapy sessions. With intensive treatment, this can take up the majority of the day. Outpatient drug rehab can also include going to sessions in the evening, and this might be an option that you need if you work and have very little time available to take off.
<h2>Know How to Get the Most Out of Both Types of Drug Rehab Programs</h2>
You don’t have to make the choice of which program to attend yourself. When you reach out to a drug rehab, the admissions team may ask you questions such as these to help you figure out your best option. Thinking about these questions helps you to be ready to provide the answers that will help the drug rehab staff develop a plan to fit your needs.
- Have you been in drug rehab before?
- What types of drugs do you use and how often?
- What is covered in your health insurance policy?
- Are you living in a safe environment?
- Do you have support from family and friends at home?
- Are you currently working or caring for children or pets?
For many people, it makes sense to combine the two types of stays. You might begin with an inpatient stay to manage your withdrawal symptoms and strongest cravings. Then, you might choose to continue with outpatient care to allow you to get stronger in your sobriety. Once you’ve made your choice on which type of treatment works best for you, make sure to commit to following the plan. The best way to get the most out of drug rehab is to attend your therapy sessions regularly. If you are in inpatient care, then this means waking up and going to your sessions, even if you’d rather sleep in. With outpatient care, you may need to clear your personal schedule or arrange for transportation. You can’t benefit from your rehab unless you are present and willing to interact with your therapist and any other members of the group. As a final note, try to remember that your feedback helps your therapists to continue to tailor your treatment to fit your needs. Let them know if you experience a setback or face a new challenge. They’ll help you identify new strategies that work for your sobriety.
Do you want the best treatment possible but aren’t sure what that looks like? We can help you determine the right type of treatment to fit your needs. Give us a call at 833-846-5669 to start choosing a drug rehab today!