When you complete your stay in a treatment center, you\’ll be ready to return to society to begin living a clean and healthier life. While this is a time for excitement and positive thinking, it can also be an intimidating experience. Many recovering addicts worry that they\’ll relapse, once they return to their normal daily routines. Moving into a halfway house can assist with this transition, but you\’ll have to be prepared for your stay.
Before you begin your stay in the halfway house, you\’ll be counseled about your responsibilities while you\’re there. While the halfway house will be less structured than your stay in the treatment facility, you\’ll still be required to abide by certain rules. Of course, the most important rule will be to dedicate yourself to clean living, which means drugs and alcohol use is strictly prohibited. There may be other rules by which you\’ll be expected to live and the halfway house will be managed by a staff responsible for seeing that those rules are enforced.
An Opportunity to Rebuild Your Life
During your stay in the halfway house, you\’ll still be able to continue participating in recovery therapy. This includes participating in a group therapy program, such as the 12-step program. Many halfway houses host meetings right on the premises, but some hold meetings at another location. In either case, you will be encouraged to attend regular meetings.
This is also an opportunity to make plans for your future. While you\’re living in the halfway house, you will be provided with resources to help you find work, pursue an education, or learn a new trade. You should also recognize that this is a temporary living situation and you\’ll need to prepare to move out after a certain period of time. This means finding an apartment, if you haven\’t already made other living arrangements. By the time you leave the halfway house, you should already have your future career, living situation, and therapy concerns worked out.
If you\’re still looking into your addiction treatment options, contact us at 833-846-5669. Our counselors are available 24 hours a day to answer your questions and help you move forward with treatment. Our treatment programs are designed to help you get clean, so you can rebuild your life. The resources you\’ll access through treatment will help you rebuild your life, so you can live a healthier and happier lifestyle.