According to statistics compiled by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), there were more than 22,000 drug-related deaths among American adults in 1999. That same year, nearly 7 million adults received substance abuse treatment at some point during their stay at a treatment center. The Centers for Disease Control reports that about 5 million people abused prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons in 1999 alone.
There is a serious need for residential treatment centers across America. However, only about 25 percent of Americans who need such services receive them (SAMHSA). This demonstrates the need for more residential treatment centers across the country and throughout each state. Residential treatment is recommended for individuals who have relapsed, are addicts, or are at risk of relapse. This means that the individual is either actively using or has relapsed into drug use after sobriety. When looking for a residential treatment center, here is what you should look out for:
1. Accreditations
Residential treatment centers typically require accreditation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The JCAHO is a non-profit organization that is made up of over 3,000 accredited healthcare organizations. The accreditation process involves an extensive review of the facility\’s policies and procedures and its staff training.
2. Credentials
In addition to the accreditation process, residential treatment centers require memberships in national organizations devoted to addiction recovery. These organizations have specific criteria that each center must meet to be included in their membership list. These credentials are often obtained through lengthy and rigorous training programs offered by these organizations. The residential treatment center must be licensed by the state where they are located, and an independent agency must inspect them to ensure that they comply with all licensing requirements.
3. Facility Size
The facility size speaks volumes about the level of care that is available. An average-sized residential treatment center can house between 25-40 people. On the other hand, larger facilities have the space to house between 60-100 people. The size of the facility is measured in terms of square footage or rooms and beds. Larger facilities are good indicators. However, a smaller residential treatment center is ideal if you want specialized care.
4. Competent Staff
A residential treatment center should also be able to provide evidence of the required training for its staff members. This training should include information about the types of drugs being used and how to best deal with clients who may become violent or erratic during their stay at the facility. The residential treatment center must also have written policies and procedures that outline how staff members will professionally conduct themselves when dealing with clients. A residential treatment center should also have a long-term care plan for each admitted client, outlining what type of therapy will be given to help them get off drugs and stay clean for life following their stay at the facility. The care plan should also outline how long each client will have to remain in the facility before being able to go back home and live independently again.
5. Programs and Services
The residential treatment center should provide various programs and services to help clients get clean and stay clean. These programs include Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other 12-step programs. The residential treatment center should also have an on-site doctor or medical staff that can provide counseling and medication if necessary. The residential treatment center should also have a library containing books on drug addiction. Books may contain suggestions for how to help clients quit drugs and how to deal with withdrawal symptoms when quitting drugs cold turkey.
Staff members will closely monitor clients admitted to an inpatient drug rehabilitation facility at all times during their stay at the facility. This monitoring will help ensure that the client does not relapse into drug use after being released from the facility. It will also allow staff members to ensure that each client receives proper medical attention during their stay at the residential treatment center for drug addiction.
Conclusively, substance abuse is a problem that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Residential drug addiction treatment centers can help clients deal with their addiction to drugs and alcohol through various means, including counseling, medication, and other forms of medical treatment. Call 833-846-5669.