The road to recovery can be a long and winding one. Sadly, many people think that failing in treatment is a reflection of their own shortcomings. They often blame themselves for having insufficient willpower and resolve. They may even deem themselves as being untreatable. In truth, however, it\’s incredibly important for all patients to find needs-specific options in rehab. If you\’ve received professional treatment before and are now using drugs or alcohol again, you are not alone. The most important thing about drug treatment and your personal quest for sobriety is to never give up. With the right program and treatment philosophy, you can overcome addiction and move on to leading a safe, successful, and ultimately happy life.
There are numerous reasons why drug treatment doesn\’t work for some individuals. To start, it is often the case that programs are not equipped to accurately identify the underlying causes of a person\’s addiction. It is never enough to simply detox from drugs. People must find out why they\’ve turned to substance abuse in the first place. Moreover, they must additionally learn and leverage strategies for overcoming any underlying causes of addiction they discover. Another common cause of relapse is a return to unsafe or unhealthy living environments and relationships. If you exit treatment and immediately surround yourself with the same people and environmental triggers, you\’ll likely resume the same bad habits. That\’s why many of the best drug treatment centers spend a significant amount of time assisting clients in establishing solid post-treatment life plans. These plans often include time living in sober housing facilities, resources for supporting career development, and other services for ensuring overall stability. Keep reading to find out all of the positive steps that you can still take to reclaim your life even if drug treatment programs haven\’t worked for you in the past.
Try Taking A Completely Different Approach To Drug Treatment
Overconfidence has caused many people to fail in their efforts to overcome drug addiction. Feeling overconfident about your drug use and your ability to stop using whenever you want to may have caused you to try detoxing alone at home, or to face the challenges of long-term recovery with minimal support. Was your prior effort at addiction treatment largely self-managed? If you took part in a flexible, outpatient program with limited restrictions, you may need to commit to long-term, inpatient care. Recovering addicts with the highest levels of success generally complete inpatient programs that last three months or more. This gives them sufficient time away from unhealthy environments and people for developing their resolve, acquiring the right coping skills, and implementing strategic life plans for keeping their recovery efforts on track, even after formal treatment has ended.
Comorbidity or co-occurring disorders can also derail treatment efforts. Drug addiction is medically referred to as substance use disorder. When substance use disorder exists alongside any other mental health disorder, both issues will require professional treatment to ensure success. You might find that you\’ve been using drugs to alleviate emotional pain from an issue that\’s as of yet undiagnosed and untreated. Detoxing from your substance of choice alone won\’t resolve the pain that caused you to use in the first place. In this case, it\’s important to find treatment options that offer support for comorbidity rather than ones that are solely focused on general addiction treatment. This way, if you suffer from depression, anxiety disorder, personality disorder, or any other mental health issues that contribute to or potentially cause addictive behaviors, you can get timely and appropriate medical treatment. In these programs, you\’ll learn how to safely manage your co-occurring disorders so that you\’re never tempted to use because of them.
It is always important for patients to seek out treatment centers that will teach them how to manage their recoveries effectively once they\’ve rejoined the outside world. After you leave treatment, you\’ll want to have job and housing stability, healthy opportunities for socialization, and effective forms of ongoing support. A good rehab center will align you with the right resources for ensuring all of these things. It is also important for many people to receive continued drug treatment in an outpatient setting. This is often the case for those who have used large amounts of drugs for long periods of time, or drugs that are known to be highly addictive. These services are especially beneficial for anyone who\’s tried and failed in treatment multiple times before. With the right type and level of support, you can at least free yourself from the bonds of addiction. To start searching for the right drug treatment center and philosophy for your needs, call us today at 833-846-5669.