recovering addict

How do I become a supportive partner to a recovering addict?

Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects individuals, families, and communities. It is a chronic, relapsing condition characterized by the compulsive use of substances or behaviors despite negative consequences. Recovery, on the other hand, is a journey of healing, personal growth, and the pursuit of a healthier, more fulfilling life. As a partner […]

How do I become a supportive partner to a recovering addict? Read More »

Can Family Members of Addicts Be Part of a Relapse Prevention Group?

There are many different types of relapse prevention groups and you may already be familiar with some of them. The majority of them restrict attendance and participation to recovering addicts, because it\’s intended to be a free space for discussing their addiction struggles. Addicts may not feel as free to express themselves in the presence

Can Family Members of Addicts Be Part of a Relapse Prevention Group? Read More »

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