Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol Withdrawal Lead to Insomnia During Drug Treatment Programs?

When most people take their first sip of alcohol, it\’s hard to believe that it can spiral out of control enough to the point that it leads to full-blown alcoholism. This typically happens when a person is unhappy with themselves or dealing with some type of trama. For example, if an individual is bipolar or

Alcohol Withdrawal Lead to Insomnia During Drug Treatment Programs? Read More »

Will Alcohol Withdrawal Outside a Drug Rehab Program Still Be Dangerous for a High Functioning Alcoholic?

Amazingly, there are people in the world who can consume a lot of alcohol without showing any signs of dependence or intoxication. Without an actual physical dependence on alcohol, it\’s highly unlikely the individual would qualify as an alcoholic. They are nothing more or less than people who can frequently drink a lot without serious

Will Alcohol Withdrawal Outside a Drug Rehab Program Still Be Dangerous for a High Functioning Alcoholic? Read More »

Why You Need Professional Help to Get through Alcohol Withdrawal

Let\’s say you have a disease. One that\’s treatable, although no one can cure it. Diabetes or chronic lung disease, for example. Both conditions are serious. Either one can cause severe disability. Either one can kill you. Would you seek professional medical advice if you knew you had one of those disorders? Most likely you

Why You Need Professional Help to Get through Alcohol Withdrawal Read More »

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