Substance abuse disorders can cause an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. An addict or alcoholic may be unable to overcome the urges and cravings that trigger repeated relapse. Even the most ambitious, self-reliant attempts at sobriety fail. However, there is hope.
That hope is found in recovery. Recovery from a substance abuse disorder often starts with a treatment program. There are various types of treatment approaches and recovery methods. The two primary categories for addiction treatment are inpatient and outpatient.
There is one key difference. That difference is where you will live during the first stages of your treatment program. Residential is another word used to describe inpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment programs are exactly as the name would imply.
Outpatient treatment is a program where you attend counseling sessions and therapy while living at home. There is something called Intense Outpatient Programs (IOPs). You may spend many hours each day in an intense outpatient setting.
But they are not residential treatment programs. Residential treatment is a live-in rehab program. The lengths of each program may vary. However, you will live at the treatment facility. Let\’s look at why it can be wise to choose a residential inpatient treatment program.
Drug-Free Living Environment
One important reason you may be wise to consider a residential treatment facility over an outpatient program is your home environment. You may not even recognize the vast number of triggers present around your home.
Frequently, the dangers of relapse are magnified simply by where you live. To help you develop tools to fend off these overwhelming triggers, residential treatment provides you with a safe and drug-free environment.
The goal of a residential treatment facility is to show you a new way to live without drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol are prohibited. In an inpatient residential treatment facility, you will be able to learn how to deal with environmental triggers before you are faced with them.
24-Hour Dedication to Recovery
Sure, everyone sleeps during residential treatment. However, when you reside at your treatment facility, you will be living in an environment that puts a 24-hour dedicated effort towards recovery. Counselors are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
Besides the staff of professional counselors on site, there will also be like-minded people in recovery living with you. You will develop connections to individuals who have the same goal you have; building a foundation for living, tools to stay clean and sober.
This peer support during early recovery is also a tremendous asset. Often, those who suffer with a substance abuse disorder do not feel anyone understands their misery. Another person in recovery will appreciate these feelings. It can be an enormously valuable part of residential inpatient treatment.
Diverse Addiction Treatment Strategies
Outpatient treatment programs will focus almost exclusively on aspects of recovery. There is nothing wrong with this approach. The reason outpatient programs must stick to a more rigid schedule is to ensure an efficient use of time.
Residential treatment has 24-hours available every day. There will be periods where you can relax alone. However, this full-day allows for diverse treatment strategies to be used that cannot be justified in an outpatient treatment program.
Many residential facilities use creative therapy as part of your recovery. You may have the opportunity to enjoy art, music, or exercise as an actual tool in your recovery. There are also opportunities for recreation and private meditation.
Inpatient treatment facilities also have the ability to provide in-house group sessions on a regular basis. You may also be allowed to attend outside recovery fellowships. These can begin to establish a solid foundation for living clean and sober after you leave treatment.
There are situations that may benefit from an outpatient treatment program. However, there is always the risk of choosing outpatient over inpatient for the wrong reasons. You should weigh your own life circumstances, using the professional advice of an addiction specialist, to make a final choice.
These are just a few benefits of an inpatient treatment program. You can consider these when you make your decision. However, if you think you may have a problem with drugs or alcohol, you need to make one even more important decision.
That decision is to reach out for help. Help is available. There are treatment programs to fit the needs and circumstances of anyone. But you have to take the first step by asking for help. Reach out for help today, because a new and exciting life in recovery is waiting. Call us at 833-846-5669.