As you contemplate getting treatment for your addiction, you are going to have to make several important decisions. First, you will have to decide where to get treatment. Once you know where you will have to think about the how. If your addiction issues seem significant, it might be a good idea to plan on going into rehab for residential treatment. While it might be the most restrictive option, it is still the best option for people who are vulnerable to temptation and their triggers. There are a lot of benefits clients get from having addiction treatment professionals helping them toe the line of recovery.
With that said, there is always the possibility a drug/alcohol user might be able to settle for a less restrictive addiction treatment option. There is even the possibility certain clients won\’t be able or willing to commit to a residential treatment option. In such cases, the next best alternative would be outpatient treatment. It is worth noting that a lot of the nation\’s top rehab centers are having issues with the availability of bed space in their residential treatment facilities. That is being caused by a combination of the current opiate addiction crisis and the residual effects of the COVID19 pandemic. The beds are full, and clients are being forced into outpatient programs regardless of their circumstances.
For a lot of clients, outpatient treatment is most likely adequate. The option would suffice for clients who have a moderate addiction or have the discipline and family support they would need to follow the rules of outpatient treatment without giving into temptation and their triggers. For other clients, outpatient treatment might cause issues because of the depth of their addiction, but the lack of access to bed space leaves them without other alternatives. Let us assume you live in the Florida area or have decided to travel to Florida for treatment because of the high quality of care that is available from top rehab facilities like ours. You might be wondering about the availability of outpatient programs within the Florida addiction treatment community. We would like to address those concerns now.
Is Outpatient Treatment Available Through Recovery Centers in Florida?
To go directly to an answer, yes, most of Florida\’s top rehab facilities do offer outpatient programs. In fact, they are far more common today due in large part to the lack of space available for residential treatment. Assuming you like that answer and would like to know more about what programs are available, you will be interested to know that most treatment facilities offer as many as three different outpatient treatment options.
Note: The main thing that distinguishes one program from the others is the amount of time that clients are required to report for treatment. This all takes place while they are living at home and staying up on their responsibilities. The three primary outpatient options with time requirements are as follows:
- Partial Hospitalization(PHP) where the client will report for treatment nearly every day for as long as 8 hours each day
- Intensive Outpatient (IOP) where the client will report for treatment about 3 to 5 days a week for as long as 4 hours each day
- General Outpatient, which is more of a recovery maintenance option, where the client only reports for treatment a couple of times a week for up to 2 hours
Beyond time requirements, each of these options focuses largely on individual therapy. That gives each client plenty of time to look at their addiction issues in search of the root causes of their addiction. Yes, it is necessary to identify what is driving the clients need to abuse drugs or alcohol. Discovering that information sets the table for the rest of treatment.
What would that be? What most clients need the most are better coping skills. These would be the skills they would use to deal with their issues without having to get high. These are also the tools they will need in the future to ensure they don\’t suffer one relapse after another. Now that you know most Florida rehabs do offer an outpatient alternative, let us see about getting you into our facility for treatment. You can call us at 833-846-5669. From that initial phone call, we can begin a conversation about the facility and the treatment option that might be best for you. You might not know it now, but this could be the most important call you will ever make.