If You Relapse, Do You Get Kicked Out of Rehab?

The road to addiction treatment is not easy. Many patients find themselves vulnerable throughout the recovery process and may not receive the support necessary to push through. If you feel as if recovery is unlikely or if you can\’t achieve it, relapsing into past substance abuse may occur. While relapsing is not unusual, it can be treated if recognized properly. There are many signs that a relapse is about to occur:

Signs of Relapse into Substance Abuse/Addiction and Alcoholism

  • Idealization of substance use: Do the times when you were using drugs seem better than the times that you are sober? If so, you may be painting a biased image of your substance abuse and may need to be way of a relapse.
  • Rationalizing future substance use: If you\’re thinking about reasons to engage in past behaviors, believing that drinking or using won\’t be as damaging as you might think it is, this could mean that a relapse is imminent.
  • Withdrawal from community: Are you still seeing your friends? Going to 12 step meetings? If you are taking a step back from the people and the relationships that have kept you sober, this could be a warning sign of a possible relapse.
  • Moodiness/depression: If you find yourself unusually depressed or in a negative mood, it could be a sign that you\’re in a volatile emotional state and could potentially relapse.
  • Defensiveness/Anger: When people express their concerns over your drug use to you, do you fight back and not believe them? Frustration with other people\’s worries is often a sign of low self-confidence, which can retrigger old substance abuse.

It is important to be honest with yourself and your behaviors. Any belief that your addiction is incurable, that you will be removed from your rehabilitation facility, or that you are not strong enough to beat it is wrong. Relapsing is not a sign of failure but another step in the road to recovery. It will not end your rehabilitation and it is especially necessary to continue the recovery process after a relapse has occurred.

If you or someone you know who has been undergoing drug addiction treatment has relapsed, it is important to let them know that relapsing does not mean the rehabilitation process has ended.

Do not worry. Help is available. Seek professional care with us at 833-846-5669.

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