If you haven\’t had the experience of being around an addiction sufferer, you might not what that looks like. Before you think about it, you should refrain from thinking that what you see in the movies is representative of how addiction looks. Nothing compares to the experience of actually being around a real addiction sufferer.
Of course, it\’s reasonable to assume knowing what addiction looks like would only matter to you if you have concerns about a friend or loved one. If that\’s the case, we certainly feel for your concern. What we would like to do is provide you with some guidance on how to tell if someone is an addict. It\’s worth noting that identifying addiction is not an easy thing to do. Over time, most addicts become very adept at hiding their addiction behaviors.
However, arming you with information will help make it easier for you to pick up on signs that someone around you might be headed for trouble. In the early stages of addiction, the everyday addict will look and behave somewhat normally. As their substance abuse advances, so to will their addictive behaviors. At some point, pretty much all addiction sufferers will expose their substance about via their appearance and most importantly, their actions.
As a concerned relative or friend, you would probably want to know what addiction looks like so you might have a chance to intervene before your relative or a friend goes too far. We\’ll assume the reason you are reading this information is that you have concerns over someone specific in your life. With that in mind, we offer you the following information.
How To Tell If Someone Is An Addict?
As we stated above, pretty much all addicts will eventually show their hands. It\’s inevitable because even the most experienced addicts will eventually lose control. It\’s simply a matter of concerned friends and relatives like you knowing that of which you should be looking. Without further delay, here is a list of signs (physical and behavioral) that a possible addiction exists:
- Unkempt persinal appearance due to personal neglect
- Problems in personal relationships
- Withdrawal from society and particupation in normal activities
- Profound secrecy
- Difficulties at school and work, including difficulty holding a job
- Financial problems due to financial mismanagement and spending too much money on drugs/alcohol
- Difficulties with law enforcement (DUIs, crminal behavior, divorce, civil lawsuits)
- Onset of health issues that were not present prior to substance abuse
- Onset of psychological problems like suicide ideology, depression, and anxiety
That\’s quite a list, isn\’t it? Any one of these signs could be indicative of a potential addiction problem. If someone you know is exhibiting several or a lot of these signs, you should put yourself on high alert. That probably brings to mind concerns over what you should do if you believe someone you care about might be an addict. First, you need to proceed with caution. You need to refrain from reacting without thinking it through.
The way you proceed should have everything to do with the kind of relationship you have with the individual with which you have concerns. If there is a sense of urgency, you might want to consider organizing an intervention. You can do that by reaching out to others in the suspected addiction sufferer\’s sphere. You might be surprised to find out that they have the exact same concerns as you.
If you are planning an intervention, here are some general guidelines you should follow:
- Consult with an experienced addiction treatment professional
- Plan the intervention out, including who will be involved, where, and when
- Everyone should write their own script directed at being positive and constructive, not accusatory
- Have a rehearsal if possible
- Research possible treatment resources prior to the intervention
- Be prepared for both the best and worst of possible outcome
We hope you find some value in this information. If you get the opportunity to recommend your loved one get help, we would like to offer your loved one access to our addiction treatment services. We can help them with their withdrawal symptoms and give them the therapy they need to recover from their addiction. For more information about of facility, services, and how we can help, we request that you call one of our staff members at 833-846-5669.