Just like addiction affects everyone differently, the ability to participate in a recovery program at a South Florida treatment center will also vary from person to person. Specifically, the financial standing of an addict will determine how and when they can participate in a rehab program. For example, an addict who comes from a wealthy background may not have to worry about keeping a job or meeting other daily obligations as they go through a treatment program. Conversely, an addict who works 40 hours a week or more and has other obligations may not be available to participate in an extended inpatient program.
For working-class addicts, they have to look for options that make it possible for them to continue meeting outside obligations. While a working-class addict may feel as though their lifestyle is too busy and prohibits participation in an addiction recovery program, many facilities are aware of these issues and have created programs that can be customized to the needs of the addict. One option an addict can consider is to participate in a 30-day rehab program instead of the traditional 90-day program. The accelerated program is designed to help addicts return to their lives at a much faster pace, so they can avoid the hardships that being removed from society for 90 days entails.
Recognizing that an addict needs proper treatment, many employers will help by allowing the individual to take 30 days off for the purpose of attending a rehab program at an established treatment center. Alternatively, you may be able to use FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993) combined with your vacation time to cover the 30 days of treatment. Depending on the severity of your addiction and other factors, you may be eligible for outpatient addiction treatment instead. This allows you to attend meetings and therapy sessions in your own time, so you can continue working and meeting family obligations. This is ideal for many working-class addicts who are living paycheck to paycheck and can\’t afford to be out of work for any length of time.
Combining Work and Addiction Treatment
When you do choose an outpatient program, you\’ll have to recognize that you\’ll be taking on double the responsibilities. To get started, you\’ll have to spend a full week or a full weekend in an inpatient facility to ensure you are properly detoxed and not using again. Afterwards, you\’ll have regular daily appointments to meet with a counselor, support group, and other caregivers. These are all essential services that will teach you to recognize and manage your triggers, help you control withdrawal symptoms, and ensure you haven\’t relapsed.
You\’ll have to work out your appointment schedule with your employer or look for ways to schedule them around your normal work routine. Additionally, you\’ll have assignments to complete and return to your counselor or therapist. This may include keeping a journal and completing assignments in a workbook, so making time for these additional responsibilities is also important. This doesn\’t work that\’s solely meant to keep you busy. Your assignments will reinforce positive thinking, so completing the assignments will help you in achieving your sobriety goals.
You can also help yourself by letting a boss or co-workers know about your addiction and treatment. While this is a personal choice and revealing an addiction may not be the best decision in certain circumstances, confiding in others will help build a broader base of support. When your co-workers know you\’ve been absent because you\’ve been attending a program in a treatment center, they\’ll be better able to support your recovery. They can help you feel included without applying peer pressure by scheduling alcohol-free activities instead of meeting up at a bar for drinks.
Some of your co-workers may even go that extra mile and offer to help you through difficult times to help you avoid a relapse. In general, letting the people in your daily life know that you\’re recovering from an addiction can maximize the positive support you receive. As you adapt to your healthier and sober lifestyle, you\’ll find your working day is more enjoyable and, without the need to fund your addiction, you\’ll also find that each paycheck goes further.
Regardless of your professional obligations, you can get the help you need to get clean. Call one of our counselors any time of the day or night to get started. You can reach us at 833-846-5669 to get answers to your questions and learn about the best addiction treatment options for your situation.