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Seacrest Recovery Center
Providing substance abuse and mental health treatment, utilizing proven therapeutic methods and individualized treatment tailored to your specific needs
Going to IOP While Living in a Halfway House
When you struggle with addiction to drugs or alcohol, the fear of the unknown is a powerful force that can stop you dead in your tracks as you consider going to treatment. While it is normal to feel anxious about living away from home for a brief period, the truth is that our treatment center is set up so that people from all over the country feel comfortable throughout their stay in our Florida facility. As you get ready to receive the benefits of participating in our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), use this guide to find reassurance that your days in treatment will be filled with positive experiences that are all designed to transition you into sober living.
Work Through The Reasons for Your Addiction
No one ever starts using drugs or alcohol with the intent to get addicted. However, there is usually underlying reasons why you find it hard to stop using once you start. For instance, you may have started drinking at night to ease the stress from work or family obligations, and you then needed to drink more often to achieve the same results. It is also possible that you started using drugs early in life to deal with issues such as abuse, low self-esteem or a desire to escape from other types of emotional pain. Now, you find that your body is physically and emotionally addicted to the drugs. In IOP, professional therapists help you identify the underlying causes of your addiction that make it hard to stop so that you can address each one in a supportive environment.
Find Support at Any Hour of the Day or Night
A halfway house environment has many benefits such as being less intimidating than a program that uses hospitalization, and it tends to be more affordable since you have the option of paying out of pocket or using your insurance. Among these benefits, you will also find that having other people available to help you at any time of the day helps prevent you from relapsing. After you attend your IOP sessions, you will return home to your sober living facility where you will be provided with further types of support such as attending NA/AA meetings or going to the gym with your housemates. If you feel an urge to abuse drugs or alcohol, all you have to do is tell someone, and you get instant support that helps you battle the cravings.
Live In a Safe, Drug-Free Environment
Many people who come to our halfway house have unfortunately experienced life situations that made it hard to get sober and trust other people. For instance, you may find that your negative influences pressure you harder to keep using at your current home when you tell them you want to get sober. Alternatively, you may find it impossible to quit if you find drugs or alcohol in your house. At a halfway house, this is no longer a problem. Random drug testing is conducted to make sure each person adheres to their commitment to stay sober, and having on-site staff members at your residence allows you to feel safe as you focus on recovery.
Transition Back to Normal Life
While many people do fine in their treatment program, the return home often represents a vulnerable time when some people return to their former lifestyle. Our three-phase system makes it easier for you to avoid this pitfall by slowly transitioning back to a normal lifestyle. At first, you will go to IOP five days a week while also participating in individual counseling sessions. By the time that your stay is coming to an end, you will be attending one group session a week while holding down a full-time job and helping other people recover from their addiction. Working through each phase allows you to see your progress while feeling empowered to maintain sobriety when you go back home.
At first, the prospect of living in an unfamiliar environment can be scary. Yet, every aspect of an IOP is planned so that you instantly feel right at home and start seeing the benefits of sobriety from the moment you walk through the doors. While your time in treatment will require hard work and dedication, you can look forward to successfully completing the program with the support of our therapists and the other residents. Reach out to a member of our team today to find the answers to your questions so that you feel more comfortable as you prepare for your stay.
Today Is The Day
You Never Have To Feel This Way Ever Again
One simple call to our caring and compassionate staff, and you can be on your way to a lifetime of freedom and recovery

As Seen On Hulu
Seacrest Recovery Center is The Featured Drug & Alcohol Rehab on Jelly Roll's Save Me Documentary on Hulu Originals
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