Does Cocaine Detox Cause Painful Physical Symptoms?

Drug addiction is a no-win proposition. While living within the cycle of addiction, the addiction sufferer is going to suffer at all levels. That means physical, mental and emotional suffering. And still, there\’s so many people who just can\’t break away from the chains that bind them to drugs.

Cocaine has been a favored drug on the streets of America for many decades now. The amount of damage this one substance has leveled on American communities, drug users and their families over the years is immeasurable. The drug\’s effects are so devastating that even the act of stopping cocaine abuse is fraught with pitfalls, namely putting the addiction sufferer through withdrawal symptoms.

In the section below, we want to focus the discussion specifically on cocaine withdrawal. We feel it\’s important to inform addiction sufferers about what lies ahead when they decide to finally start saying no more.

Does Cocaine Detox Cause Painful Physical Symptoms?

When an addiction sufferer is brave enough to ask for help with their cocaine addiction, they are to be congratulated for having that level of courage. With that said, their commitment to sobriety is going to get tested almost immediately. You see, the human body gets very upset when it\’s deprived of a substance it has grown dependent on over a period of time. It rebels with something referred to as withdrawal.

Cocaine withdrawal will start about 8 to 10 hours after the addiction sufferers last dose. The first day of withdrawal is uncomfortable, but manageable. By the time the addiction sufferer enters their second day of withdrawal, their withdrawal symptoms will become a bit more trying. It\’s at this point that the individual will be contemplating whether or not sobriety is worth enduring increasing levels of pain and discomfort.

Yes, cocaine detox or withdrawal has the potential to be very physically painful. The level of pain and discomfort an addiction sufferer might have to endure will depend a great deal on the length of their addiction, the amount of cocaine they are using per dose and the frequency of their cocaine abuse. At the worst end of the spectrum, the withdrawal symptoms can be quite substantial. We can all only hope each addiction sufferer has the fortitude to get past the pain and discomfort without returning to their drug abuse behavior.

To give you a better idea of what kinds of withdrawal symptoms a cocaine addiction sufferer might encounter, you\’ll want to look at the following list. You will note that many of the withdrawal symptoms are physical in nature, bringing with them varying levels of pain and discomfort. Common cocaine withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Loss of energy and inability to control motor function
  • Fatigue
  • Severe cramping in the muscles and stomach area
  • Severe depressions and anxiety
  • Suicidal ideology
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Disruption of sleep
  • Increased appetite

Of course, each individual has an opportunity to avoid going through these withdrawal symptoms should they choose to seek help for their addiction issues. They would seek that help from a licensed drug and alcohol treatment center, like ours, where they could also be given access to a medically monitored detox program.

Medically monitored detox programs exist for one reason, to help clients get past their withdrawal symptoms with as little pain and discomfort as possible. Here\’s how that works.

Clients are placed under the care of a professional medical staff where they are monitored 24/7. The hope is each client will be able to go through the detox process naturally without any kind of medical intervention. When that\’s not possible, the detox facility\’s medical staff has the option to prescribe medications to alleviate pain, sleeping and discomfort issues. If all goes well, the client will clear their withdrawal and craving issues within a week or so. Then it\’s on to therapy when the client can begin focusing on the issues that caused within them the desire to self-medicate their personal problems away.

Any concerns you have about cocaine withdrawal are justified. However, you can\’t let them be the reason you aren\’t willing to step forward and ask for help with your addiction. We are here to help you with then entire treatment process. With one simple phone call to 833-846-5669, you can speak to one of our representatives about our facility and addiction treatment services. At the end of the day, this is one phone call you\’ll want to make.

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