Does A Long Term Rehab Facility Provide Relapse Protection Techniques?

Rehab centers provide drug and alcohol addiction treatment throughout the country. Unfortunately, not all rehab centers provide techniques for preventing relapse. However, some inpatient facilities offer a more comprehensive approach to healing addiction by providing relapse protection techniques. The goal is to prevent relapse and enjoy a lifetime of sobriety. Relapse protection techniques are a vital part of recovery in a long-term facility. These are the techniques offered in a long-term facility that helps prevent a relapse.

Support Group

Group therapy is an important part of a long-term rehabilitation program for many individuals. You can discuss your feelings and thoughts on your addiction in a group. It enables participants to express their emotions which may have led them down the wrong path during recovery. Group therapy allows you to realize what you want out of life. By helping others better themselves, many participants say they become more willing to live sober.


Meditation is a great tool for helping you to become more aware of the thoughts in your mind. By becoming aware of those thoughts and refusing to act on them, you can begin to break the cycle of addiction. During meditation, you are taught how to let go of negative emotions and replace them with positive ones. It helps participants make better decisions throughout everyday life. So instead of letting emotions get out of control, participants learn how to live in the moment.


Yoga is a great way to detoxify your body and release the negative energy in your body. You can let go of the negative energy that may have built up during your addiction by doing yoga regularly. Yoga helps bring balance back into your life. It also helps strengthen your core and improves blood circulation throughout the body. Yoga is also done with other participants, improving communication and creating bonds between participants in a group setting.

Relaxation Exercises

Relaxation exercises help people become more aware of their body and the way it is responding to certain emotions. For example, this technique can be used in helping people not act on anger or frustration. These relaxation techniques are used during yoga and walking in nature. The exercises also teach patients to breathe, an important part of recovery.

Self Care

While recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, you must take care of yourself physically. You can do that by working out, eating healthy, and relaxing. The body needs time to repair itself and become healthy once again. With a program that emphasizes self-care, you will recover faster.

Reality Testing

In this technique, a patient learns to identify unhealthy thoughts. These are usually connected to your emotions or past thoughts of relapse. The patient is taught to recognize these unhealthy thoughts as they arise and replace them with healthy ones. It helps patients recognize the thoughts and emotions that have led them to relapse.

Knowing Your Triggers

In this technique, patients learn to recognize their triggers and how they can lead them back to addiction. Triggers are thoughts, feelings, or certain situations that can lead you back to addiction. It is much easier to intervene and prevent a relapse by identifying what your triggers are. Identifying triggers also incentivizes participants in a long-term facility not to get back into the lifestyle that caused their alcoholism.

Spiritual Growth

Rehabilitation centers offer spirituality in a variety of ways. Often, people find it hard to seek spiritual fulfillment without help. Addiction can stop a person from seeking meaning in their life. However, when participants begin their recovery process in rehab, they are given the tools and help to find spiritual growth. One method of this is meditation which helps patients explore spiritual growth independently.

Family Support

Family support is an important part of any rehabilitation program. It is common for family members to feel neglected and resentful during recovery. However, when a participant needs to go to rehab, they are taking the first steps towards recovery. Family therapy is usually held on campus or near the facility. Family therapy allows family members to share their feelings and thoughts in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

After the session, family members are given a debriefing on how to be supportive in order to prevent a relapse. In conclusion, most long-term rehabilitation programs work together to help people break their addiction. In most programs, participants will attend a community meeting or family meeting on campus to discuss their problems and feelings with other individuals who have also been through similar situations. During these meetings, participants can create bonds with other individuals who also understand what they are going through. To learn the techniques that help prevent a relapse, call 833-846-5669.

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