Can a Palm Beach Treatment Center Teach Family Members How to Stop Enabling?

In families in which one or more individuals struggle with addiction, it is not uncommon for some family members to engage in behavior that enables the addiction. Enabling behaviors can take a variety of forms. Some enablers simply look the other way despite knowing an individual has a substance abuse issue. Others excuse the addict\’s behavior.

If addiction has caused an addict to lose his or her employment or housing, a person who enables the addict may always be there to give the addict money while knowing he or she will use the money to continue to abuse alcohol or drugs while avoiding financial and other responsibilities. Palm Beach residents who are looking for healthy ways to support a family member who struggles with substance abuse or addiction may receive help by contacting a local treatment center.

Types of Treatment Centers in Palm Beach

There are several different types of alcohol and drug treatment centers in Palm Beach and surrounding areas that cater to people from all walks of life. Affordability should not be a barrier to addicts and their families seeking treatment and counseling. Therefore, many publicly-funded entities and non-profit organizations offer substance abuse treatment and support services to families affected by addiction. Private clinics provide services to individuals who prefer to pay for treatment out of pocket or use their insurance benefits to cover some or all of the costs of substance abuse treatment. Many private clinics also offer in-house financing and are able to work out payment plans with clients who seek are seeking treatment and require more flexible payment options. Both public and private treatment centers often offer services to help family members learn to recognize and avoid exhibiting enabling behaviors in their relationships with their loved ones who abuse drugs or alcohol.

Palm Beach Family Workshops to Address Enabling Behavior

Many treatment centers conduct weekly or monthly family workshops to bring rehab program participants and their families together in a supportive setting. Workshops typically include multiple families and cover broad topics families commonly encounter if they have a loved one who abuses drugs or alcohol. These group activities occur on a larger scale; however, workshop participants may be asked to break into smaller groups to do exercises or have small group discussions.

Depending on the nature of the family workshop, the family member who abuses drugs or alcohol may or may not be in attendance. Your family members may feel apprehensive about attending a workshop due to fear of sharing their struggles with strangers. However, the other families who will be in attendance likely have very similar experiences and struggles. Therefore, you will be surrounded by people who are likely to be able to relate to your experience. Moreover, family-oriented activities at Palm Beach treatment centers are designed to be judgment-free, constructive settings in which family members may learn new skills to help them avoid potentially triggering or exacerbating their loved one\’s tendency to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Family Counseling Sessions at Palm Beach Treatment Centers

Another form of support Palm Beach treatment centers provide to address enabling behavior in families is counseling. Family counseling sessions usually take place in a more intimate, private setting to allow all participants to feel more at ease. Family therapy sessions may include the individual who struggles with substance abuse, or the sessions may take place among the individual\’s family members in his or her absence. It is often helpful for addicts and their family members to speak to a counselor while all involved parties are present and available to express themselves.

However, sometimes a counselor may need to speak with family members to discuss their individual behaviors that may enable the addict to avoid treatment. In some cases, the addict may be unwilling to participate in counseling. If you have a loved one who abuses drugs or alcohol and refuses to speak with a counselor, you may still reach out to a treatment center to discuss ways you can support and encourage your loved one in deciding to seek treatment.

Addiction Specialists Can Help You Stop Enabling

If you believe you may struggle with enabling behavior, contact a Palm Beach drug and alcohol treatment center to learn about support services for families. Our addiction specialists are available to connect you with family workshops and counselors who can help you learn healthier, more constructive ways to support your friend or family member as he or she battles addiction. Call us at 833-846-5669

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