For people in rehab, the very prospect of relapse can be terrifying. The good news is that the potential for relapse is commonly understood to be a key part of the recovery process. That is why such a large amount of attention is placed on this aspect of getting well. Throughout their time in these programs, clients are educated on the different causes and triggers for relapse, as well as on the best strategies for avoiding these things. Through group therapy sessions and individual counseling, this learning becomes a highly personalized experience. As a result, patients are well-armed with healthy coping mechanisms and long-term strategies for maintaining their success in sobriety. In short, they leave treatment well-prepared for all of the challenges and temptation that lies ahead.
The best thing about recovery is that it gets both better and easier as you move forward. The longer that you avoid drug or alcohol use, the clearer you\’ll be able to see and appreciate the many benefits that sobriety provides. While overcoming temptation might seem impossible now, people who\’ve spent years and even decades sober actually find themselves repelled by the very substances that once controlled them. Rehab will give you the tools and resources that you need for staying sober during the formative stages of your recovery and beyond. Life and the relationships that you establish will reveal the rewards that make it possible to appreciate all that drug-free living has to offer throughout your lifetime.
How Florida Drug Rehab Programs View And Treat Relapse
Using drugs in any treatment facility is bound to have consequences. The professionals that run these centers work hard to keep them safe and supporting for everyone enrolled. Bearing this in mind, however, rehab professionals also know that avoiding relapse isn\’t always easy. That\’s why they structure their programs to give people gradual access to key freedoms. For instance, once you enter into a residential treatment program, you may no longer have access to your mobile phone. Outside visitors will be limited, and much of your time will be devoted to getting well. After you have completed the detoxification process, and have spent time in group and individual counseling, visitations and phone privileges can be gradually increased.
Although this might seem quite restrictive, it limits avenues for procuring drugs and ensures the maintenance of a safe and drug-free environment for everyone, particularly while patients are still learning about their addictions and discovering how to overcome them. Rehab in a closed environment, also known as inpatient rehab, has a very high rate of success. These programs separate users from unhealthy environments that are unlikely to support their recoveries. They also minimize the impact of toxic relationships, thereby giving patients the opportunity to learn boundary-setting, and to establish new coping mechanisms and life priorities. As patients become more skilled in protecting themselves and their sobriety, personal freedoms expand. The goal is to prime patients for the constant challenges of the real world, without overwhelming them. Once treatment has ended, most clients are able to become contributing, functioning members of society without succumbing to temptation or triggers.
What Relapse Means For Your Recovery
By treating the potential for relapse as an inevitable part of the recovery process, Florida rehab centers are attempting to show patients that there is always opportunity to get well. While relapse can be personally disheartening and disappointing, it doesn\’t have to be the end of the road. Part of growing strong in your recovery efforts is learning that the goal of sobriety never changes; irrespective of the challenges and stumbling blocks that you face along the way. In fact, each instance of relapse can be a valuable learning experience. Each time a person relapses, this individual learns more about his or her triggers, the wrong tactics for overcoming these triggers, and the most important environments and situations to avoid.
Florida rehab is designed to promote long-term success in recovery. While the decisions that clients make from day to day are important, their commitment to reaching their long-term goals is incredibly key as well. Rehab supports long-term commitments to sobriety by providing counseling, goal-setting services, post-treatment support, and more. If you\’re ready to reclaim your life, improve your coping strategies, and better understand the root causes of your addiction, we\’re here to help. Call us today at 833-846-5669.